Animated Video | Motion Graphics | 3D Design

Case Study

Motion For Social

Sour Patch Kids: Sour Cherry Blasters

Even a 6 second social media ad needs a process to ensure the client gets a great ROI and a successful campaign.

The media buyer requested two creatives for A/B testing in mutlple regions of the market.

Creative #1

Creative #2

Client Mondelēz, Circle K
Product Sour Patch Kids: Sour Cherry Blasters
Agency Six12 Creative
Motion Creative, Animation,
Sound Design
After Effects, Trapcode Particular, Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition 
Craig Nelson
Print Design Ros Klassen
Storyboards Addison Sedgley-Brosseau

The Source Artwork

The task was to take the client’s packaging artwork and augment and adapt for: In-store signage kit (seen below), a new Froster (frozen drink) flavour, and a bilingual, multi-platform social media launch.

The graphic designer had already done an excellent job of creating those initial keyart compositions that I was able to draw from for the motion creative pitches.

The Brand Guide

Sour Patch Kids are a well-loved brand that came with an detailed and established brand guide.  The client was very steadfast about hitting the right personality and positioning notes.


You’re trying to get that viewer-scroller to do something …tap a button, visit a website, add a comment. Even if you do get them to stop, you’ve got 6 seconds to get your message across. It’s only enough time for a few beats of animation, so they’ve got to count.


This part is the most fun! At this point, the client has (mostly) bought into the pitch, and now it’s up to me to figure out how to make the animation happen. Position, Scale, Rotation, BABOOM!

I used After Effects for the animation, including Trapcode’s Particular plugin to generate the burning fuse and cherry explosion.

SPK Audio Mix Elements
After Effects Timeline

Sound FX & Music

Audio is like the cherry(!) on top except it’s not. Music and sound effects can take a so-so animation, and fwap, the ‘good’ knob goes all the way to ‘great’. Audio can offer a much sharper hook AND more often than not, gets a more enthusuastic ‘APPROVED!’ from a client.

There was no voiceover for this project but if you want to hear my dulcet tones attempt a scratch VO track, check out the Explainers & Training Case Study.

SPK Audio Mix Elements

The Audio Mix: music and sound effects Adobe Audition

Platforms & Languages

These are a few examples, but in reality, with 2+ creatives for A/B testing, 4+ social platforms and two languages being output, the number of final video files often numbers into the dozens.

Instagram Stories 9:16

Youtube 16:9

Facebook Feed 1:1

The Bottom Line

The bottom line was a happy client. Their targets and KPI’s were met or exceeded for the campaign. And as usual in social media, the motion social media posts widely outperformed static image posts. The ROI for the motion posts made the case for themselves.

The agency was happy too! Two more flavour launch campaigns were activated in following seasons.

Sour Patch Kids + Circle K - Lemonade Candy and Froster
Sour Patch Kids + Circle K - Mystery Flavour Campaign